This is very common reaction to trying to still the mind and to sitting still! Here’s why this happens:
– usually we are so preoccupied with thoughts that we don’t notice our physical body much.
Thus once we become still and as we get more aware we may notice underlying anxiety that has been there. But it has been below the surface.
Often that anxiety is driving us in terms of overeating, snacking on junk food or other behaviors we may not want.
Of course there are many causes of anxiety- past unresolved trauma and current life conflicts with work or home life. Another cause of anxiety can be more physical, things like not enough movement & exercise and for sensitive people even caffeine can be the cause of anxious feelings.
What’s great about meditation is that over time, we become more deeply aware, and so it’s very likely you will begin to see- what is the cause of this anxiety in your own life- for yourself. That is so much more powerful than when someone outside, tells us what they think is our “issue.”
We can then choose to work with a professional or process this underlying issue ourselves. In either case that awareness gives us greater freedom.
To work with me go to https://vivwill.com/contact-meditation-teacher